Spider Veins

Unhealthy veins underneath the skin.


What are spider veins?

Spider veins are unhealthy veins found just underneath the skin. These veins are commonly found on the legs. They are usually blue, red, or purple in color. Their spidery appearance, giving them their name. Spider veins are usually due to a venous disease called chronic venous insufficiency. They are also known as telangiactasias.


What is the cause of Spider Veins in my legs?

Spider veins are usually caused by venous disease known as chronic venous insufficiency. Veins in the legs carry blood to the heart. Usually veins have valves that prevent back-flow of blood. When the valves become incompetent, the blood leaks back to the legs causing elevated pressure in the superficial veins of the legs. This increased pressure leads to formation of spider veins under the skin.

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Who is at risk for suffering from Spider Veins?

The risk factor for spider veins include the following

  • Older age

  • Obesity

  • Family history

  • High estrogen level (more common in women)

  • Pregnancy

  • Jobs requiring prolonged sitting or standing

  • History of blood clots

  • Leg injury

  • Use of birth control pills

Spider Veins

What are the symptoms of Spider Veins?

Usually spider veins are asymptomatic. But some people may experience symptoms such as : hеаvіnеѕѕ, ѕwеllіng, асhіng, thrоbbіng, burning, itching, tingling, or сrаmріng оf thе lеgѕ. Spider veins can also result in skin changes and ulceration.

What is the best treatment for Spider Veins?

Usually spider veins require no treatment. However, if you want to remove spider veins for cosmetic reasons or you are experiencing severe symptoms. We can provide treatment such as sclerotherapy. If spider veins are caused by chronic venous insufficiency, then spider veins will inevitably reappear. In that case we can offer treatments such as endovascular radiofrequency ablation or laser treatment of the underlying chronic venous insufficiency.



If you are experiencing severe symptoms, conservative treatment such as compression stocking are unlikely to be helpful. Sclerotherapy involves the injection оf a medicine called a sclerosant іnto a veіn. The sclerosant irritates the walls of the vein which causes them to stick together and seal the vein closed. It is a very safe and simple procedure that can be performed in our office, it is a effective method of eliminating spider veins.

Endovenous Ablation of Varicose Veins

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation

Endovenous ablation with radiofrequency is a minimally invasive treatment for chronic venous insufficiency. It is thermal energy to seal the veins. Compared to laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation is typically associated with a lower amount of discomfort and bruising after the procedure.

Take our ‘Varicose Vein Quiz’ to find out if you suffer from vein disease


Meet our Vein doctor

Amit Goswami, MD

Experienced physician with Ivy league training & excellent outcomes.